In addition, individual gaming city is still "minors are not allowed to enter the" write a sentence under the slogan "legal holidays" explanation, and law enforcement agencies do not know it. 另外,个别电玩城还在“未成年人不准进入”的标语下写了一句“法定节假日除外”的解释,而执法部门对此并不知情。
The amendment proposal on the legal explanation of "housebreaking" 对“入户抢劫”司法解释的修改建议
But after its introduction, it was confused with the system of fulfillment demurring rights, which resulted in the problem of the applicability of legal explanation. 我国《合同法》制定之时有意识地引入英美预期违约制度,但引入之后其便与履行抗辩权制度纠缠不清,引发法律解释适用之难题。
The Principle of General Administer in Chinese Criminal Law& Legal Explanation to the Ninth Rule in Criminal Law 我国刑法中的普遍管辖原则&刑法第9条的法理解释
Laws in our country should grant judges the right of legal explanation. 我国法律应明确授予法官以法律解释权。
Legal explanation of Bigamy 重婚现象的法律解读
Legal explanation of bloggers 'words: freedom and restriction 博客言论的法律解读:自由与限制
Introducing the justified act and expected possibility theories and evaluating criminal cognizance for a couple of times, the supreme judiciary extending criminal administrative domain also should be avoided through legal explanation. 在司法上引入正当化事由和期待可能性等理论,进行犯罪认定上的分层次评价,避免最高司法机关通过司法解释扩充刑事管辖范围。
Overseas, does not generally have one word of judicial interpretation, legal explanation is a pronoun of judicial interpretation. 在域外,一般没有司法解释一词,法律解释就是司法解释的代名词。
On the Rationality of Judges 'Delivery of Legal Explanation 论法官法律解释权的合理性
See from legislative system, because of the numerous of the legislative subjects, involves the questions of the legal power divided and the legal explanation system operate again. 从立法制度上看,我国立法主体众多,由此又涉及到立法权限划分和法律解释制度运行的问题。
Legal Philosophical Explanation on the Protection of Moral Rights 精神权利保护的一种法哲学解释
It concretely includes several levels as follows: law belief, legal concepts, fact recognizance of specified case analysis, legal norm discovery, legal explanation, legal inference, legal argumentation, and soon. 法律思维包括以下几个内容:法律信仰、法律概念、在分析具体案例时把握事实认定、法律规范的发现、法律解释、法律推理、法律论证等。
The knowledge intelligence in China's ancient legal explanation is the legal intelligence under the frame of political philosophy& study of Confucian classics. 中国古代法律解释中的知识智慧,乃是在政治哲学&经学框架下的法律智慧。
The official explanation played a leading role in the system of classical law explanation in China. However, the fact did not impact the function of folk explanation and judicatory explanation in past legal explanation practices. 官方解释在古典中国的法律解释体系中发挥着无可替代的主导作用,但这种事实并不影响民间解释和司法解释在历代法律实践中所发挥的重要作用。
Beginning with the concept and legal explanation and analysis, the article clarifies the concept 、 legal form and legal characteristics and further expound that enterprise groups should have legal status. 本文从企业集团概念的法律解析入手,阐述了企业集团的概念、法律形式及法律特征。在此基础上,本人进一步论证了企业集团的法律地位。
This text regards teleology as the breakthrough point, and aims at drawing the legal explanation of "teleology". 本文以目的论为切入点、旨在引出目的论的法律解释。
Legal Explanation of Outdoor Ads 户外广告的法律解读
This is a loop of penal code without solution from legal explanation. 这是刑法的漏洞,不能通过法律解释得到解决。
Although the reasons of legal loophole are different and the types are varied, as regards its judicial techniques, there are legal explanation, leak supplement and legal reasoning mainly. 尽管法律漏洞的发生原因不同,漏洞类型各异,但就其补救的司法技术而言,主要有法律解释、漏洞补充、法律推理。
The explanation of declaration of intention is different from the legal act explanation or the contract explanation. 意思表示解释与法律行为解释和合同解释不同。
The legitimate administrative goal is to realize the relative determinism of law, whose methods include legal inference, legal explanation, legal supplement and the value. 依法行政的目标是实现法的相对确定性,依法行政的方法包括法律推理、法律解释、法律补充和价值衡量。
A Legal Explanation on Insurance Contract Closing Procedure 保险合同订立程序构成的法律解析
As a legal explanation method, Sociology Explanation in solving this difficult can play an active role. 作为法律解释方法的一种,社会学解释在解决这一困难方面可以发挥积极的作用。
In China, The Supreme Court and The Censorate formulated the system to withdraw public prosecution by legal explanation because present criminal prosecution has no relative regulations. 我国现行《刑事诉讼法》对于撤回公诉制度没有相关规定,为了满足实践的需要,最高人民法院和最高人民检察院以司法解释的形式制定了撤回公诉制度。
And the range of this special property is wider than stipulate in legal explanation. 而该类特殊财产的范围也远不止于我国出台的司法解释中所规定的种类。
In the context of current legal explanation system, the abstract and general legal explanation suffers from ultra vires, confliction of contents and roughness of methods. 在当前多元一级法律解释体制下,抽象性、普遍性的司法解释存在形式越权,内容冲突、方法粗糙等问题。
Therefore, we must establish the special animal welfare law and revise criminal law and increases the legal explanation, in order to change the present situation on animal welfare. 为改善我国动物福利的落后现状,需制定专门的动物福利保护法,修改刑法,增加法律解释。
Legal explanation of duty of care of proprietor or organizer, which is enacted by Supreme Court, is appearing in this background. 最高人民法院有关司法解释对经营者、组织者的安全注意义务的规定,正是在这一背景下出台的。
This article aims to clarify and emphasize on the role of NGOs authority in global financial governance, and give it legal explanation. 本文的目的旨在发现并重视非政府组织在全球金融治理中的作用,并从法律角度对其进行阐释。